Common Questions About Our Facebook and Instagram Lead Generation Campaigns

1. How are your leads different from other programs I have tried in the past?

First and foremost, we understand your needs in a lead generation campaign.Wizdrip has over a decade of experience in creating high-quality leads through Facebook and Instagram. Our expertise ensures that our campaigns are designed to attract interested and relevant prospects.Our process is proven and continuously improved.Since 2010, we’ve helped thousands of agents and advisors generate leads effectively, refining our methods each year to ensure the highest quality.We provide you with the tools to generate your own leads.Unlike other services, you are not buying leads from us. Instead, you are using our proven ad campaigns on Facebook and Instagram. This means you pay for impressions and engagement directly to the platform, typically resulting in leads costing between $7-$40, significantly lower than the $80-$600 you might pay with other companies.

2. How are the leads created?

Our leads come from targeted Facebook and Instagram campaigns.We craft ads that reach your specific audience, ensuring that the people who respond are genuinely interested in your offerings. Our experience with these platforms ensures that your ads are shown to the right people at the right time.

3. Who do you try to reach for your leads? Are they qualified? Are they exclusive?

We target well-defined audiences based on your needs.Whether you’re looking for potential clients interested in life insurance or annuities, our campaigns are tailored to attract those demographics. Because you are in control of the ad spend and targeting, the leads you generate are exclusive to you.

4. What is the average age of your leads?

The average age varies based on the campaign and targeting criteria you set.Typically, for retirement-related products, you might see an average age of 55-65. You can adjust your targeting to reach the most relevant age group for your product.

5. Can I protect myself from receiving too many leads?

Yes, you have full control over your ad budget and targeting parameters. You can set daily and monthly caps on your ad spend to ensure you manage your lead flow effectively. This flexibility allows you to scale your campaigns according to your capacity.

6. How many leads should I expect to receive?

Lead volume depends on your budget and targeting strategy.Generally, clients receive a steady stream of leads, with the quantity and quality influenced by how much they spend on ads and how specific their targeting is.

7. How do you determine which agent/advisor receives the leads?

You are in control of your leads. Since you run the ads, the leads go directly to you without any competition. You set the geographic and demographic parameters to suit your needs.

8. Do you have protected territories for your leads?

Your leads are exclusive to you.Since you generate them through your own ad campaigns, there’s no overlap or competition from other agents in your territory.

9. Can I change my targeting criteria for the leads after starting a campaign?

Yes, you can adjust your targeting at any time.Facebook and Instagram provide robust tools to refine your audience based on performance data. This ensures your campaigns remain effective and responsive to changing needs.

10. How long does it take to begin receiving leads?

You can start receiving leads almost immediately.Once your ad campaigns are live, you typically see engagement within a few days. The exact timing depends on your ad spend and targeting precision.

11. Do I have to pre-pay or commit to a certain number of leads before I join?

No pre-payments or long-term commitments required. You pay Facebook and Instagram directly for your ad spend, giving you complete flexibility and control over your budget.

12. What are you offering in the ads to create the leads? Can we see the ads?

We provide proven templates for your ad campaigns. While we don’t release exact ads to the public, we offer a summary and best practices to ensure your ads are compliant and effective. New clients receive detailed guidance on setting up and optimizing their campaigns and may view and select their ads/video ads from our library or proven and compliant ads.

13. What is the average cost per lead?

Leads generally cost between $7 and $40.This cost varies depending on the type of campaign, the number of qualifying questions, and the product being promoted. For instance, leads for life insurance may be cheaper than those for annuities.

14. How do I receive the lead's information?

Leads go directly to you through your Wizdrip account and you will receive an email and text notification in real time so you can call within our recommended 5 min for best conversion rates.You can access their information in real-time, allowing for immediate follow-up and qualification.

15. How are leads qualified and scrubbed?

You are responsible for qualifying and scrubbing your leads.This is a key reason why these leads are more affordable. Our system provides you with high-intent prospects, but the final qualification process is in your hands, ensuring the leads meet your standards before you engage.

16. What is the average conversion rate on the leads?

Conversion rates vary based on your follow-up and sales process.Agents who actively engage and follow up with leads typically see better conversion rates. Some of our best agents convert 50% of total leads they receive. We provide resources and training to help you maximize your success.

17. What type of agents/advisors do well with this program?

Agents who are proactive and skilled in lead qualification. If you are good at building relationships and following up, you’ll likely see great results. Experience with digital marketing and a willingness to adapt and optimize your campaigns will also be beneficial.

18. How do we sign up?

Getting started is easy. Contact us to get access to our proven ad templates and campaign guidance. We’ll help you set up your Facebook and Instagram campaigns to start generating leads immediately.

19. Can we choose to run campaigns only on one platform?

Yes, you can choose to run campaigns on either Facebook or Instagram or both.Our guidance will help you optimize for whichever platform you prefer, ensuring you get the best results.

20. How do you support agents during the campaign?

We offer ongoing support and optimization tips.Our team is available to help you refine your targeting, adjust your ad spend, and improve your lead generation efforts continuously.

21. What if I have additional questions?

We’re here to help. Contact us anytime with your questions, and we’ll provide the support and answers you need to succeed with your lead generation campaigns.

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